BBC Radio 4: Nick Baines in Wittenberg

Der anglikanische Bischof von Leeds Nick Baines war am Sonntag in Wittenberg und hat dort einen Gottesdienst geleitet. Mitwirkung des Schauspieler Julian Sengelmann und der Reformationsbotschafterin Margot Käßmann

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On October 31st 1517 Martin Luther is said to have posted his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. It was the spark that lit the Reformation and led to the transformation of Europe. It led to revolutions in theology, politics, education, language and music. It also led to bitter divisions in church and society and to wounds which have yet to heal.
The Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines, leads this act of worship from Wittenberg. He is joined by the well known German actor and singer Julian Sengelmann who is seeking to engage young people in discussion about what Reformation might mean today. The leaders of both the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches offer their perspectives and the sermon is preached by former Lutheran Bishop and Reformation Ambassador, Margot Kaessman. Music includes Luther’s plaintiff setting of Psalm 130, Out of the depths I cry to thee O Lord and his most famous and confident hymn Ein fest Burg ist unser Gott. (A Mighty Stronghold is Our God.)

Diskussionsrunde in John Rylands Library in Manchester am 31. Oktober „The Reformation: Who gives a fig?“

Join us at the John Rylands Library as we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of The Reformation with an evening of debate and discussion.
Prepare to be challenged and enlightened as we mark the 500th Anniversary of The Reformation and ask; ‚does it still matter?‘
We welcome academics Dr John Morgan from The University of Manchester, Dr Rosamund Oates from Manchester Metropolitan University and Canon Dr David Holgate from Manchester Cathedral to the Library as we explore and reveal the complex world of the Reformation and its legacy.
Hosted by the BBC’s Katharine Longworth the evening promises to be unexpected and thought provoking as we ask the question; ‚The Reformation: who gives a fig?‘
Free, booking required.
Tuesday 31 Oktober 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
John Rylands Library

THE REFORMATION – Ausstellung in der John Rylands Library in Manchester

7. September 2017 bis 4. März 2018

The Reformation invites you to journey through these tumultuous times. Find out how Luther’s work led to the splintering of the Catholic Church in England.

Learn how Henry VIII’s attempts to divorce led to him overthrowing the Catholic Church and electing himself head of the Church of England.

And discover why William Tyndale’s translation of the bible into English is still felt in the language we speak today.

Explore our exhibition and see a rare copy of Luther’s 95 theses, as well as a letter handwritten by Luther himself. There is also one of the earliest examples of printing – an indulgence printed in 1455.

John Rylands Library hat eine Reihe von kurzen Videos über einige der ausgestellten Objekte gefilmt, z. B. einen Ablassbrief von 1455…

Curator’s Corner – The Reformation – YouTube