THE REFORMATION – Ausstellung in der John Rylands Library in Manchester

7. September 2017 bis 4. März 2018

The Reformation invites you to journey through these tumultuous times. Find out how Luther’s work led to the splintering of the Catholic Church in England.

Learn how Henry VIII’s attempts to divorce led to him overthrowing the Catholic Church and electing himself head of the Church of England.

And discover why William Tyndale’s translation of the bible into English is still felt in the language we speak today.

Explore our exhibition and see a rare copy of Luther’s 95 theses, as well as a letter handwritten by Luther himself. There is also one of the earliest examples of printing – an indulgence printed in 1455.

John Rylands Library hat eine Reihe von kurzen Videos über einige der ausgestellten Objekte gefilmt, z. B. einen Ablassbrief von 1455…

Curator’s Corner – The Reformation – YouTube